Course I: Philosophical Foundation of Education
After completion of the course the learners will be able to
- Discuss the meaning, nature, scope and aims of education.
- Discuss the meaning and scope of educational philosophy.
- Explain the factors of education and their inter relationships.
- Discuss the educational view of different Indian schools of philosophy namely, Sankhya, Nyaya, Yoga and Buddhism, Charvaka, Jain.
- Discuss the educational view of different Western schools of philosophy namely, Idealism, Naturalism, Pragmatism, Marxism.
- Explain the Philosophy of Indian Educators like - Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore and Mahatma Gandhi.
- Explain the Philosophy of Western Educators like - Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel and Montessori.
Course II: Sociological Foundation of Education
After completion of the course the learners will be able to
- Discuss the meaning, nature and scope of Educational Sociology and relation between education and sociology.
- Describe social factors and their relation to education.
- Understand the existence of social groups, social institutions and agencies of education, and the process of socialization.
- Explain Social change and its impact on education.
Course III: Psychological Foundation of Education
After completion of this course the learners will be able to
- Discuss the concept, nature, scope and uses of Psychology in education.
- Explain the influence of growth and development in education.
- Describe the meaning and concept of learning, its theories and factors.
- Explain the application of learning theories in classroom situation.
- Discuss the concept and theories of intelligence and creativity.
- Explain the concept and development of personality.
Course IV: History of Education in Ancient and Medieval India
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Discuss the features, aims, objectives, curriculum, teaching methods, student teacher relationship and evaluation system of the Brahmanic and Buddhist system of Education.
- Understand the system of education in different institutions during the Brahmanic and Buddhist period.
- Compare between the Brahmanic and Buddhist system of Education.
- Discuss the features, aims, objectives, curriculum, teaching methods, student teacher relationship and evaluation system during the Medieval period.
Course V: Psychology of Instruction
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Discuss the concept, factors, and principles of teaching.
- Explain Flander’s Interactional analysis
- Explain the characteristics of a good teacher.
- Discuss the nature of classroom teaching, traditional teaching, and constructivist teaching.
- Explain the concept and implications of Micro-teaching.
- Discuss different types of teaching methods.
Course VI: Educational Evaluation & Statistics
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Discuss the concept, scope and need of measurement and evaluation.
- Explain the relation between Evaluation & Measurement.
- Organize and tabulate data.
- Explain different types of measuring scales and their uses in education.
- Elaborate the concept and methods of validity, reliability and norms and their importance in educational measurement.
Course VII: History of Education in Colonial India
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Discuss development of education in Colonial India.
- Describe the Educational Policy in Colonial India.
- Discuss Bengal Renaissance and its influence on Indian Education
- Describe National Education Movement and its impact on Education.
- State different educational reform under colonial rule.
- Explain the nature of basic education.
- Elaborate recommendations of Education Commissions in post independent India.
Course VIII: Skill Enhancement Course – Statistical Analysis
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Understand the concept of central tendency and variability Percentile and Percentile Rank.
- Apply the statistical techniques.
- Describe the concept of correlation and their application.
- Understand and explain the concept of Parametric and Non-Parametric Test.
Course IX: Inclusive Education
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Discuss the Concept, nature, need of Inclusive Education.
- Explain the development of competencies for Inclusive Education.
- Describe the Infrastructural facilities for an ideal Inclusive School.
- Discuss the Role of teacher in an Inclusive Classroom setting.
Course X: Educational Management and Administration
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Explain the Meaning, Nature, Scope, Function and types of Educational management.
- Explain the meaning and function of Educational Administration.
- Explain the meaning and purpose of supervision; distinguish between supervision and inspection.
- Illustrate educational planning and types of educational planning.
- Discuss the functions of some selected administrative bodies.
Course XI: History of Education in Post – Independent India
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Describe the Preamble, various articles and act on education in Indian Constitution.
- Explain the recommendations and educational importance of various Education
- Commission in post Independent India.
- Describe the Human Rights Education in National and International Context.
Course XII: Skill Enhancement Course – Lesson Planning and its Execution
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Discuss the meaning and characteristics of Lesson Plan.
- Explain the advantages of Lesson Plan.
- Classify different Lesson Plans.
- Explain the steps of constructing Lesson Plan.
- Discuss the principles of Lesson Plan.
- Develop a Lesson Plan and execute it.
Course XIII: Contemporary Issues in Education
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Explain constitutional provisions with special reference to RTE Act. DPEP, SSA-SSM of Universalization of Elementary Education.
- Describe the meaning, aims & objectives, significance of Universalization of Secondary Education and role of RMSA.
- Explain the concept, role of Higher Education, Knowledge Commission and RUSA.
- Discuss modern issues in Indian Education like - Peace Education, Sustainable Development, Inclusive Education, Open & Distance Learning, Equality & Equity in Education, Women’s Education.
- Discuss Gender and its importance in educational and social context.
Course XIV: Educational Technology
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Discuss the concept, nature and scope of educational technology.
- Explain the role of communication & multimedia approach in the field of Education.
- Discuss the importance of Seminar, Panel Discussion. Team teaching in the field of education.
- Describe the role of technology in modern teaching-learning process.
Course XV: Value Education
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Explain the meaning, nature and classification of values.
- Judge its reflection in Indian Constitution.
- Discuss the meaning, objectives and need of value Education.
- Describe the role of value education through Curricular and Co-curricular activities.
- Explain the meaning, advantages and disadvantage of Storytelling, Play-way method and Role plays.
Course XVI: Population Education
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Explain the meaning, concept, scope & objectives of Population Education.
- Discuss the historical development of Population Education.
- Describe the definition, factors, causes and prevention of population growth.
- Explain the curriculum and policies on Population Education.
Course XVII: Distance Education
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Explain the meaning, characteristics, objectives, merits &demerits of distance & open education.
- Discuss the mode and strategies of distance education.
- Describe the relationship among Non-formal, Correspondence, Distance and Open Education.
- Discuss the present status of distance and open education in India.
- Explain the role of multi-media in Distance and Open Education.
- Discuss the problems and remedies of distance and open education in India.
Course XVIII: Great Educators
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Discuss the philosophies and educational ideas of great thinkers of the east and the west.
- Explain some experiments on education conducted by eastern and western philosophers and thinkers.
Course XIX: Curriculum Studies
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Illustrate the meaning, nature, scope, determinants and functions of Curriculum.
- Discuss the types and bases of curriculum.
- Explain the concept of curriculum framework and NCF-2005.
- Discuss the basis of curriculum construction, evaluation and innovation.
Course XX: Educational Research
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Define and explain the meaning and nature of research.
- Define and explain the meaning and nature of Educational research.
- Identify sources of data for Research.
- Understand the meaning of Research problem and Review of Related Literature.
- Explain the concept of Hypothesis, Variables, and Research data.
- Analyze the Qualitative and Quantitative data.
- Acquaint themselves with the process of collecting data.
Course XXI: Mental Hygiene
After end of this course the learners will able to:-
- Discuss the concept, nature, aims and scope of Mental Hygiene.
- Discuss the concept, nature, symptoms and causes of mental illness.
- Explain the characteristics of different mental disorders.
- Discuss the role of parents and teachers in preserving mental health.
Course XXII: Comparative Education
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Discuss the meaning, nature, scope, importance, and methods of Comparative Education.
- Explain the concept of Universalization of Elementary and Secondary Education in UK & USA.
- Compare Indian Education system with USA.
- Compare Indian Education system with UK.
Course XXIII: Guidance and Counselling
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Explain the concept, nature, scope, types & importance of Guidance.
- Discuss the concept, nature, scope, types & importance of Counselling.
- Discuss different tools and techniques used in Guidance & Counselling.
- Identify the characteristics of diverse learners.
- Explain the need of Guidance for diverse learners.
- Explain the need of counselling for diverse learners.
Course XXIV: Dissertation / Project Work
After end of this course the learners will able to
- Apply the knowledge gained through different courses in practical field.
- Solve problems related to his/her course of study.
- Document, calculate, analyse and interpret data.
- Deduce findings from different studies.
- Write and report in standard academic formats.
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