Green Campus
- To sensitize the students and the staff to minimize the use of polluting products and use environment-friendly products and services.
- To instill the importance of cleanliness for a healthy life.
- To Create awareness about environmental issues by organizing Events, Rallies, Awareness Campaigns, Cleanliness Drives, Seminars, Workshops, presentations, Tree Plantation Drives, Rangoli Competition, Essay Competition, Excursion, Study Tours, Lectures, Talks, etc.
- To make students and staff aware about raising voice against the hazardous practices destroying Nature and promote environment friendly practices among the society.
Initiatives Taken to Implement the Clean and Green Campus Policy
The Institution is committed to managing its campus in accordance with its Clean and Green Campus Policy by establishing the following infrastructure and carrying out the following activities:
- Landscaping with Trees and Plants
- Ban on Single-Use Plastic
- 40 Kv. Solar Plant in the College
- Use of LED Bulbs/Tubes and Power Efficient Equipment
- Effort to implement 80% Paperless Office and Communication
- Waste Management Initiative
- Display Boards to Promote Environmental Sensibility on College Campus
- Installation of Incinerator in the Girls' Toilet
- Observance of Days to protect and Nurture Environment
- The Green and Energy Audit
- Environment Consciousness through Wall Magazine
To download the Policy Document, CLICK HERE.